Why Join NOI.PH?
Filipino students should join NOI.PH to learn more beyond their curriculum, make like-minded friends, and most importantly: have fun!
What Incentives Are Afforded to IOI Medalists?
This question is answered extensively on Quora.
How to Access the NOI Practice Problems
Here’s how to access the NOI Practice Problems. Sign yourself up for a HackerRank account. Login with your credentials. Register yourself to the NOI Practice Contest. Share:

Philippine Teams to the 2017 International Science Olympiads
Here are is a list of all the Philippine Teams which were sent to the various 2017 International Science Olympiads, such as the IOI in Tehran, Iran.

PH team bags first silver medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics
The Philippine delegation to the IOI consisted of Robin Yu, Farrell Wu, Franz Cesista, and Kim Tuico. The olympiad was held in Tehran, Iran on July 2017.

Two Filipino students bag bronze in Indonesian programming competition
NOI.PH Finalists joined the Tim Olimpiade Komputer Indonesia (TOKI) Open 2017 during the NOI.PH In-House training held last 10 – 12 May 2017. TOKI is Indonesia’s version

2017 IOI Team
(also posted on our Facebook Like Page) The following students will be going to Tehran, Iran this 28 July to 4 August 2017 to represent
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