Why Join NOI.PH?
Filipino students should join NOI.PH to learn more beyond their curriculum, make like-minded friends, and most importantly: have fun!
What Incentives Are Afforded to IOI Medalists?
This question is answered extensively on Quora.
How to Access the NOI Practice Problems
Here’s how to access the NOI Practice Problems. Sign yourself up for a HackerRank account. Login with your credentials. Register yourself to the NOI Practice Contest. Share:

2021 National Finals
The NOI.PH 2021 National Finals were held virtually on 8-9 May 2021. Of the 30 top scorers of the National Eliminations, 24 competed over two

2021 National Eliminations
The NOI.PH 2021 National Eliminations started on 6:00 PM of 5 February 2021 and finished on 11:59 PM of 14 February 2021. It consisted of fourteen problems of varying difficulty. The round was held online, on Codeforces.

2020 IOI Team
Dan Alden Baterisna, Steven Chua, Dion Stephan Ong, and Steven Reyes are the Philippine representatives to the IOI 2020.

2020 National Finals
The NOI.PH 2020 National Finals were held virtually last 8 – 9 August 2020. The 31 official finalists competed over two five-hour rounds, each of
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