Why Join NOI.PH?
Filipino students should join NOI.PH to learn more beyond their curriculum, make like-minded friends, and most importantly: have fun!
What Incentives Are Afforded to IOI Medalists?
This question is answered extensively on Quora.
How to Access the NOI Practice Problems
Here’s how to access the NOI Practice Problems. Sign yourself up for a HackerRank account. Login with your credentials. Register yourself to the NOI Practice Contest. Share:

2017 Singapore NOI
On March 18, 2017, the 6-member Philippine team to the 20th Singapore National Olympiad in Informatics hosted by the NUS School of Computing at the

2017 National Finals
The NOI.PH 2017 National Finals was held in Pointwest Innovations Corporation in Quezon City last 18 – 19 February 2017. It consisted of two rounds

2017 National Eliminations
The NOI.PH 2017 National Eliminations started on 6PM of 13 January 2017 and finished on 11:59PM of 22 January 2017. It consisted of fifteen problems of

Pointwest Brainstorms With Organizers For 2017 Nationals
Last 28 December 2016, members of the NOI.PH Organizing Committee Payton Yao and Tim Dumol met with Mr. Sherwin Pelayo, head of Pointwest Labs &
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